Reading projects

Author visits for Grade 12 learners

Authors, poets, or literary experts accompany WOW to schools in the Eastern, Northern, and Western Cape, and talk to learners about their prescribed works for Afrikaans Home Language or Afrikaans First Additional Language.

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools

Jan to Feb

WOW Writers festival

WOW Reading Circles take part in author discussions during the Woordfees and have the opportunity to meet authors of children’s books

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools


Fair Book Sales

Reading circles are encouraged to take up book sales at their schools. This is usually planned for third quarter and in collaboration with partners. This project is only presented as possible.

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools

Third quarter

WOW Reading Circles

Learners at 20 different high, primary, and nursery schools form WOW Reading Circles and hold regular meetings where the books are discussed keeping the ATKV ballot in mind. It forms part of the ATKV Word Feathers

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools

Feb to Nov

WOW Reading Festivals

Writers visit primary schools and talk to the whole school. Learners get the opportunity to ask questions and books are given out as prizes.

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools


WOW Writing School

High school students take part in the writing school offered by a famous children’s book author.

High schools


WOW Media course for schools

School visits to participating schools with workshops.

High schools

April to September

WOW Media course for schools

Gala event: schools’ printed and digital newspapers are judged, awarded, and exhibited.

High schools


WOW Webinar

Creative writing project

Grade 4 to 9

Second quarter

WOW Webinar

Literature is a delicacy

Grade 4 to 9

Second quarter

To read is a feast

Workshops for literacy plans for schools with WOW Reading Circles

Primary schools, Gr.R & high schools
