Language development

Sanlam WOW Spelfees: Workshops

Training and information sessions for the Sanlam WOW Spelfees.

Grade 1 to 10

Jan to May

Sanlam WOW Spelfees: Webinar

Training and information sessions

Grade 1 to 10

Jan to May

Sanlam WOW Spelfees

Spelling lists are uploaded to the website and schools complete entry forms for participation. Spelling festivals are then presented at different levels based on geographical location. The first level of participation is at school level, after which all participating schools meet in specific education circles. Winners in circuit spelling festivals take part in district spelling festivals, and these winners advance to the provincial game festivals. Winners from the respective provinces participate in the national Sanlam WOW Spelfees.

Primary schools & high schools

Afrikaans Home Language:
Gr. 1 to 10

Grade 5 to 9

isiXhosa Home Language:
Grade 6 to 8

July to October

WOW Webinar

Language poverty in the Foundation Phase: Experts discuss ways to address language poverty among learners in the Foundation Phase. Educators, speech therapists and publishers share valuable tips.

Foundation phase
